10 Best Places To Visit In Ravangla

Best Places To Visit In Ravangla

Ravangla or Rawangla or Ravongla is a little vacation town with a height of 8000 feet situated in the South Sikkim region of the Indian province of Sikkim. Below are some Places To Visit In Ravangla.

It is associated by public thruway to other significant towns in the state and lies among Pelling and Gangtok.

It is the beginning stage of the trip to Maenam Natural life Safe-haven. It is roughly 65 km from the state capital, Gangtok, and 120 km from Siliguri, West Bengal.

The name is gotten from the Bhutia language. ‘Ra’ signifies wild sheep, ‘vong’ means a raising spot, and ‘la’ signifies a pass.

Here are Places To Visit In Ravangla you should visit.

Buddha Park

Address8977+P8R, Ravangla, Sikkim 737139

Calmly arranged in a little traveler’s town in the southern piece of Sikkim, Buddha Park is an irrefutable ‘should visit’ objective for all. This famous interest fills in as an imperative noteworthy highlight of the Buddhist people group; it was worked by ideals of the 2550th birth celebration of Ruler Gautama Buddha in 2006. This is obliviously one of the Best Places To Visit In Ravangla.

Additionally, to raise the 130 – foot high sculpture Ravangla was picked. This divine engaging quality closed in by rich eco plant similarly propels venture the travel industry in Sikkim.

Buddha Park is generally gotten by dabbles and both widespread and family guests regarding the stupendous allure of the devotion and its incorporating greatness. Moreover, Cho Djo Lake is also arranged inside the complex giving it an extra interest to visit.

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Buddha Park Map

Bon Monastery

AddressR4WX+CP2, Dolanji, Ganyar, Himachal Pradesh 173223
HoursMonday: 9am–6pm
Tuesday: 9am–6pm
Wednesday: 9am–6pm
Thursday: 9am–6pm
Friday: 9am–6pm
Saturday: 9am–6pm
Sunday: 9am–6pm

Amid composite and calm conditions, Bon Cloister or Bon Yung Excrement Religious community is arranged in Kewzing offering a great viewpoint of the slants and valleys of southern Sikkim. It is a lovely objective as it is perhaps of the most famous religious community in Sikkim.

To be sure, there are only two Bon Religious communities in India; one exists in Kewzing, Sikkim, and the other in Solan, Himachal Pradesh. This cloister was first gotten comfortable in 1980 by the late Yung Compost Tsultrim.

Bon Monastery Location Map

Ralang Monastery

Address:88HP+93X, Sikkim 737139
Phone:080161 05747

Ralang Cloister is a past relationship for certain other strict networks in Sikkim. Point of fact an interest ought to be visited by every explorer wishing to investigate the excellence of Ravangla.

In any case, the strict local area’s evenness and allurement give enticing energy to the visitors.

Ralang Cloister has an expansive social event of imaginative manifestations and thangkas that reflect the lavishness of Buddhist workmanship.

Ralang Monastery Location Map

Ralong Hot Springs

Address:982F+347, Sikkim 737139

Ralong Natural aquifers, especially well known among neighborhood individuals by the name of ‘Ralang Cha-Chu‘, is organized close to Ravangla in South Sikkim.

These pools of sulfurous water improved with beautiful allure, are normal steaming saunas that have the healing impact to fix many skin diseases.

Besides this, Ralong Natural aquifers moreover convey strict centrality, being arranged near one of the favored caverns of Sikkim. This spot is similarly a traveler’s bliss, directed by various invigorating paths and staggering viewpoints of covered slopes all over.

Ralong Hot Springs Location Map

Temi Tea Estate

Developed in the year 1969 by the Public authority of Sikkim, Temi tea plants are created along the grand grades of the slants ascending out of the Tendong Slopes; stretching out from 1200 to 1800 m.

The 177-hectare spread porch nurseries of Temi make unrivaled quality tea leafs having worldwide solicitation. The way to the getting ready plant, en route to Tendong Slope, is separate with a lot of managed cherry blossom trees amidst the fields pampered with vegetation and crunching grasses.

Maenam Hill

Maenam Slope organized at a rise of 3140 m, is a notable spot for offering the most uplifting perspectives on the extravagantly forested inclines veering from the polished Mt. Khangchendzonga behind.

Its rich green scenes embellished with the windings ways for the travelers, disregard the whole dazzling town and, surprisingly, pass, on the off chance that it’s a bright morning.

Maenam Slope is the peak of the impressive number of edges that unequivocally stays amidst the two significant surges of Sikkim;

the Teesta and the Rangeet. Dismissing its thick forest area, it is also home to various phenomenal sorts of Himalayan and winged creatures. The serene and intelligent environmental elements move the visitors to lose all internal compass in its beautiful wonderfulness and end up one with nature.


Borong is an overwhelming town arranged in the southern piece of Sikkim and it offers an ideal spot to escape from the city humdrum.

Spilling over with allure and grandness, this spot is exceptional among different objectives to visit if you want to contribute some quality energy amid nature.

Its quieting environment and environment pulls in different nature sweethearts from over the globe. From Borong town, you can get an eye-popping sight of snow got Mount Kanchenjunga, Narsing, and Pandim.

Borong Location Map

Places To Visit In Ravangla in Kewzing Village

Kewzing Town is organized at a rise of 1402 m close to Ravangla in South Sikkim, offering amazing perspectives on Mt. Narsing and Mt. Kabru. This bewitching town is wrapped up in the middle of the serenity of the far incline got with a thick chestnut forest area a long way from the commotion of city life.

It is involved by the Lepchas securing their striking society and straightforwardness while as of now participating close by the action of Kewzing The travel industry Improvement Council and a local NGO, Sikkim Advancement Establishment (SDF), in the headway of town the travel industry.

Ravangla in Kewzing Village Location Map

Rayong Sunrise View Point

Plan to savor each insight while in Rayong Dawn View Point as this spot gives extraordinary vista. Arranged in the southern district of Sikkim, Ravangla gets the eye of various adventurers starting from close and far.

Regularly various travelers rush to the view direct before the crack of dawn to visit the stunning viewpoint of the splendid first light.

The theory offers a persevering influence on eyewitnesses. Moreover, it is a should-visit interest for experience voyagers as it similarly gives different journeying trails to places like Deorali Dara, Tinkitam, and Gholey Bhir. Rayong Sunrise View Point is one of the famous Places To Visit In Ravangla.

Rayong Sunrise View Point Map


the Places To Visit In Ravangla Buddha Park, Palchen Choeling Religious community, Yungdrung Kundrakling, Old Ralang Gompa, Temi Tea Home, Bon Cloister, and Ralong Natural aquifers are the ones you should investigate. Experience fans who wish to enjoy invigorating activities; Ravangla brings a ton to the table for them as well.

Which is the most gorgeous locale in Sikkim?

Gangtok is the capital city of Sikkim and the magnificence of this city legitimizes it being one of the unmistakable urban communities in the state. Inconceivably gorgeous, rich, and garlanded with mists everywhere.

For what reason is Ravangla popular?

Ready at an elevation of 7000 ft., Ravangla is well known for offering an unparalleled perspective on the More noteworthy Himalayan Reach.

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